Tuesday, February 5, 2013



I cant see much
This forest is so dense and dark
The trees are towering over me
watching me with malicious eyes
I can't see the distance
But I must keep walking
The shadows are following me
screaming into thick dark fog
encircling me in it's toxic venom
The howls are slowly crawling
down my icy spine
my body its frozen
stunned by sticky webs
trying to encase me
I must keep walking
i cant see much
the darkness is slowly closing in.
the shadows are surrounding me
condemning me
to the forest
inviting me to stay
i must keep walking
shrieking banshies above
singing their ear-piercing tunes
the branches are outstretched
wrapping their claws to darken
my path
i must not wander
but I'm already lost
I must stay on the path
the distance is ahead
the gravel is thick with frost
my fingertips turn a sickly purple
my eyes almost shut
the wind is hard against me
i cant see the distance
the voices are whispering in my ear
telling me of lies i wish were true
i must keep walking
the ground is chilled and solid stone
my feet ache with every step
shouting at me to stop
my damaged heart cant take much more
but i must keep walking
the distance inst too far.  
my discomfort is my relief
my pain wont keep me here
my lungs are full of acid smoke
the shadows are suffocating me
eating me whole
my breaths are short
my mind is clogged
my legs buckle and i fall
i fall into a deep dark pit
a pit of utter despair 
the darkness is swallowing
its almost has a hold
its so far
the whispers, the screams
the trees and eyes that follow
the shadows are calling me
I feel solid and heavy
im sinking
i cant breath
drowning in filthy muck
the eyes are watching
waiting for the end
But I cant stop
the distance is near
the pit is no more
my hands feel steel
i was lost
i cant see anymore
but i can feel the rod
its on the path
the distance is close
then loud laughter
a tall building set far off course
there wanting
they call me by name
the distance is dark
but must keep walking
the laughter turns a wicked grin
taunting me and continuing the lies
they turn to shadows once again
the eyes keep watching
until utter darkness
no vision
just voices
complete sorrow
despair crawls up my back
like a snake ready to strike
i must keep walking
the steel is in my hands
blind but knowing
i continue
beaten and broken
hurt and cold
lost but hopeful
faith keeps me whole

the darkness is unfolding



streams into the wood
a glow so small but filling
my legs are weak and wounded
my hands are stretching
my hands are pleading
my eyes are opening
my mind unwinding
the light is bright and wanting
I cant stop
the distance is here
I am home

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