Wednesday, December 21, 2011



As small as a child I was forbidden to soar Through the breath of very nature 
Thus barred my feet: yet my eyes not and they wander through every hill and 
cloud Searching for something.I know not....Beyond every horde of mortals I 
look out for thee In the land of hopes and dreams: a fantasy Where words are
 silenced The heart overwhelmed Torments of thoughts, still none to speak of....
 My expecting eyes, but lips sewn Yes.I perceive the anguish in your eyes 
Wondering, wishing something to be told But my feelings are beyond any word
 The silence creeps deep within And yet I hear your 'voice' The eyes dazed, 
I'm seeing you with my inner eyes...That long to perceive the golden hue 
But that is never found And they wander lonely as a bird: my eyes Under
 azure stretches of sky....
Nabanita Paul
Jealousy has never been a positive for me. Jealousy towards others shows distrust. 
When you are Jealous because of others talents then you are telling yourself that you're 
not good enough. This poem makes me Jealous. I'm not Jealous in the way that I don't
 think i can write something this good. I'm jealous because this poem being as short as 
it is has over a hundred different meanings. I'm jealous because this poem in all its 
grandeur is written by the soul. like a caged bird not being able to spread its 
wings and fly through all natures beauty. The wanderer dreamed of things unknown.
 The wanderer wished on stars through its cold bars. The wanderer looks at things 
at a different angle, seeing things that others don't. believing in things that cant be 
seen or heard. The wanderer is always looking for the perfect sky to take flight. 
The wanderer is always dreaming. Seeing things with the soul.

Monday, December 12, 2011

This is for you.....

This is for you.....
This is for you.....
you know who you are
if you don't have a single clue
this is just not the poem for you
This is for you.....

This is for all the broken hearts
This is for all the caged birds
This is for all the birds to afraid to fly
through the open cage door
This is for you

This is for all the fallen tears
This is for all who weep
This is for all who are seeking
something to believe in
something to hold
something to care about
Something to hope for
This is for you

This is for all the scars
This is for meaningless love
This is for all who wish on stars
This is for all the wasted efforts
This is for you

This is for all the stitches
This is for all the doubts
This is for all who close there eyes
who imagine something more
Something worth living for
This is for you

This is for the dreamers 
This is for the Believers
This is for not giving up
This is for not quiting
This is for still believing
This is for you

so keep the faith
keep the hope
keep believing
keep the dream
fly through the cage door
its open
you just have to leap
So this is for those who keep living
This is for you
This is for you :>

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ghandhi well here it is

sometimes its hard to think. its hard to play by the rules. why must i talk a certain way and look a certain way. no one is the same and everyone has their own voice. why must i keep my mouth shut to an opinion. why must i keep my head down and eyes closed. be curious and find yourself. i keep forgetting to be myself. I am me and that is who i am. i cannot be anyone else. if i choose to change i will still be me. i can be who i want to be and still be myself. when will we own ourselves completely? a lot of us don't even know who we really are. we search for ourselves for years and find nothing. why not look in the mirror. how come we have to have others tell us who we are? shouldn't we know ourselves? were all lost in the dark forest trying to find that one thing. that one thing is different for all of us. no one is on the same path. were all running for that finish line. well most of us. i guess  some are walking or crawling. but isn't that life. to breath air and not  know where you 're headed. don't go through the fog. turn on the head lights. its hard to think. its hard to be ourselves and speak up. its even harder when we don't know who we are.  be yourself, be who you wanna be and it wont be the last time I'll see the light. life cannot be measured, cannot be stored and should never make you bored. life is a gift and it should be exciting, happy, joyfully, wonderful, fulfilling, along with the stupid crummy gloom-ed days.
Just Live Life
its that simple