Monday, November 28, 2011


Ordinary World -  Levetanna lives in Wyoming and works at a furniture store. she wakes up at the same time every morning and goes out running till she reaches her small shop. Levetanna has never lived outside of Wyoming and has worked for the same company for five years.

Call to Adventure- and Refusal of the Call-  Its the weekend of Levetanna's 23rd birthday when she is fired from accidently flooding the entire store. She packs her bags and decides to move to Virgina where her cousin daniel lives. She finds a few homes to choose from but isn't quite sure. She decides to persue being a famous clothing designer.

Meeting the Mentor- Levetanna meets her cousin who tells her to buy her dream house even without a job.

Crossing the Threshold-  Levetanna gets a job at a local fashion magazine and moves into her dream home at the edge of a small forest. She loves her new home, its all she could of ever wanted. She soon discovers her dream house isnt quite a dream but more of a nightmare.

Tests, Allies, Enemies-  Levetanna meets her closest niebor phil and starts to develope feelings for him. she starts waking up in the middle of the night from strage sounds coming from the basement. she hears a clink, clink,clink sound every night. she turns on the lights and when she opens the basement door the sounds end untill the next night.

Approach-  Levetanna runs to a local library and does resaerch on her new home. she discovers her home had a terrible fire and was rebuilt. A little girl around twelve years old died in the fire and the childs parents ended up dying shortly after from a car accident.

Ordeal/Reward- Levetanna is asked on a date by the mysterious neighbor phil. She has the best date of her life and returns home and goes to sleep.  She wakes up again to the clinking noises.  She heads straight to the basement and walks down the long staircase to the wooden door. The noises get louder and louder then she puts her hand on the doornob and is burned. smoke comes out from underneath and the heat is getting hotter and hotter. she then wakes up in a pool of sweat.

The Road Back-   Levetanna discovers that the little girl perished in the basement. she was locked in and she searches for the answers to her demise. phil is getting closer to Levet but when ever he's in her house she starts to get a fever and burn up.  She asks nieghbors about phil and finds out that phil was the little girls brother.  She confronts him and asks why he didnt tell her. He tells her that the fire was his fault and that he locked her in the basement those years ago because she was pestering him. he had accidently turned on the stove and had his work papers on it.  He couldnt live with himself and moved and later dicovered his parents accident. He just wanted to forget everything.

Return with Ellxir- Levet tells him to forgive himself.  She wakes in the middle of the night to a little girl at the foot of her bed; she smiles and disapers.

Hero- Lavetanna
Mentor-  her cousin daniel
Treshold Guradian-  daneil
Herald-  ?
Shapeshifter-  phil
Shadow- ?
Trickster- phil

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