Saturday, June 15, 2013


The time will come when you will ask the question "What have I done with my Life?" Your life will be almost over and your grave already dug. Its a sad fact were all dying and getting closer and closer to the end. Many will ask the question and wonder WHY? Why didn't I go for my dreams and spend more time with family then working on my career? Why didn't I take that leap of faith and travel and explore and swim with the sharks? Why didn't I forgive my friend? Why did I care so much about how others saw me and spend all that money on useless things when I could have spent it on my education or on something more meaningful? Why didn't I take the time to get to know my parents while they were still around? Why did I waste my Time on the things in life that don't Matter? why?

There are a thousand reasons WHY we Ask The question WHY... and a lot of the times we know the reason...the answer is simple- (We make excuses)  We don't always see how much time we waste doing the things that don't matter.... like watching television or working late hours or simply drinking ourselves to death at a random bar even falling into addictions. There is a way out of those distractions if you take the time out to help yourself become the person you want to be. Don't Make any more excuses and find yourself asking Why?   START NOW.... Don't waste another precious moment.......
Let not the time pass and find yourself asking the questions WHY... WHY NOT DECIDE TODAY TO LIVE.....?

TAKE THE RISK AND FALL....... You might find out you can FLY......

Start writing down in a journal your Goals and dreams and how to accomplish those dreams. Do something everyday that makes you feel alive and grateful and joyful to be alive.  DON'T waste another minute because time does slip away....... 
You can do Great things. You are worth it.....

People don't always care. its true and life sucks sometimes. My advise change yourself. Decide to be the person you want to be
no one else matters. All that matters is how you see yourself.

When you do that people who care will come into your life but don't wait around and feel sorry for yourself when you find people don't care. Sometimes people don't always think about others. 

The Fact is you cant change others or but you can change yourself.
You cant expect people to know you right away or care right away. Because they probably feel the same way that you do and are scared and shy and afraid to get to know others. Choose to be happy today and tomorrow it'll come naturally. 
Don't care about what others think or if they care because there already thinking the same things you are. 
When your single all you see are the couples and when your a couple all you see is are the single people walking around. 
truth is you have more than one soul mate. so its possible to come across one of them. 
Take chances and be brave and SPEAK UP your VOICE matters and allow others to get to know you. 
Don't expect anyone else to talk first. you have to decide for yourself its what you want. you wanna be handsome or Beautiful then start acting like you already know you are and people will notice. 
If you really don't like how you look then change yourself. Life is too short to be wasting time wondering WHAT IF.
Tomorrow I'll get fit. Tomorrow I'll talk to that girl. Tomorrow I'll start studying and Tomorrow I'll be happy. TODAY is the day you start living the life you want. 
When you decide Today to be happy and go for those goals you will  find Success.
 SO Don't waste another minute and BE THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE. "The Things you tell the brain the most it will CREATE". So here's the question? After reading this what did you decide? 

1. Do something everyday that makes you feel alive and grateful to be alive
2. Keep a Dream journal. so you can remember the crazy things your brain thinks about when your asleep.
3.Keep a Goals Journal. Write down all your short term and long term goals and figure out how to accomplish those goals. 
4. Keep a Gratitude Journal so you can write down everyday what you are grateful for and why. You may find you had a better day then you thought.
5. Keep a Day Journal. To write down everything that happened that day so you can pass on your life to your children.
6. ALWAYS keep a small thought book in your pocket or bag so any quotes or thoughts you hear or find you can record. Any new goals or things your thankful for. so you won't forget. 
7. Always keep on you a small Camera to capture the moments. Maybe even a small video camera like an I-Flip to capture those funny moments. The truth is we don't remember Days but we remember moments. 
8. Keep many Scarp books and record those amazing events.
9. Make time for the ones you Love because that's the way you show them your love. Time is the most precious Gift you can give someone. 
10. Understand Success is not Given. The key to Success is Hard WORK. but don't forget to play. 
11. KEEP A CALENDER and Maybe even a planner. Because an organized day is a much easier day. You can't Expect the unexpected but you can plan to be surprised. 

Take each day one at a Time and Laugh as much as you can. Some days can feel overwhelming but just slow down and breath and write a list of importance and take each task one at a time. 

The KEY to happiness is choice...Choose to Be Happy Today 
Find the balance. A Healthy Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Self
Knowledge is the only thing that can give anyone power. So read many books and know how the world works. You are intelligent, successful and  worth it. 

Just Figure the rest out...... You can diffidently no doubt in my mind do it.
.....When the time comes don't ask WHY but WOW what a Life I have Lived..... 

Rules of importance

Love God-Love Others-Love Yourself

God Fist-You SECOND and World Third

pay God-Pay yourself then pay Bills.

Don't always look for the rainbow at the end of the storm but enjoy the rain and sounds and dance, sing, and Laugh because before you know it the darkness will have lifted of your shoulders and the sun will shine and beautiful colors clothed around you for comfort and you will feel grateful to have surpassed the storm. 
some people pursue happiness and others decide to just create it. 


Tuesday, June 11, 2013


The food you eat can be the safest form of medicine 
or the slowest form of poison

C-Carbonated Drinks
R-Refined Sugars
A-Artificial Sweeteners & Colors
P-Processed Foods

Our World Has changed grammatically for good and for not so good. We are surrounded by technology. We hear and see cars everyday filling our lungs and atmosphere with gas and pollution. I am not saying Cars cause global warming. that's another issue. Scientists are always battling if Global warming is true or not or if the earth is always in a warming or cooling cycle. The Fact is we are polluting our beautiful planet. Cars are necessary and beneficial but many are driving their verticals just around the corner when they could take those five minutes and walk and get exercise.  There are many things that are poising our bodies and minds. its all around us from the water we drink to the appliances we use. Knowledge is key when it comes to a healthy body and mind. Our bodies are built to eat Raw Organic Natural Foods and not the foods you find cooked, baked and fried. Those fast foods can kill us. A raw diet can heal us. Now if you don't believe me then check out these books and films I have arranged below. Your doctors are not trained to heal us but to prescribe for us. A Doctor is trained in the medical field and not in the nutritional field. They get little if any training in Nutrition. LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE AND MEDICINE BE THY FOOD. You are what you eat literally. 
The food you eat does matter. There is so many vitamins and minerals that people are just not getting in their diet. when someone is sick they seek a doctor and get prescribed pills and never even consider that their diet and environment is the very thing making them sick Ans Doctors never prescribe changing their diet. THERE IS NO MONEY in prescribing lifestyle change and nutrition.
No one wants to change. People are getting sicker not healthier and medicine is not helping nutrition is. The Government has made it a law that only Radiation,Chemo and Surgery can cure cancer and that isn't True. Those can only slow down the process if the treatments haven't already killed you. There is not money for those industries in promoting Nutrition. If everyone knew that there already is a cure for all cancer's and all allergies any illnesses they wouldn't be getting any profit. There is one pill for every sickness but that is not how the body works. You Must stimulate the healing mechanism in your body and when you do it doesn't just heal one thing but your entire body is healed. Your body is already trying its best to heal itself by releasing  toxins from sweat glands and other means but we block it with deodorant. we stink don't we? of course we stink our bodies are filled with (CRAP). The only way we can heal our bodies is through a Raw organic Natural lifestyle. I am just hitting the TIP of the Ice Burg on this. There is so much you don't know and most people wouldn't take the time to find out because they don't want to change. You have no idea how sick and bad you feel until after you are rid of all those toxins and poisons. 
Our World was once Pure and Now its fighting just to stay alive. Our Water, Land and Air are not what they once were and it's affecting all living things. Our landfills are pilling up with unnecessary plastic and Styrofoam materials that are also filling our oceans and killing our wildlife. Its a really sad thing to find not only our earth is sick but so are we. I'll talk more about this subject another time but I just wanted to get the very tip of the iceberg out there. 

 About the Gerson Therapy

The Gerson Therapy is a natural treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, vegetarian diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements.
With its whole-body approach to healing, the Gerson Therapy naturally reactivates your body’s magnificent ability to heal itself – with no damaging side effects. This a powerful, natural treatment boosts the body’s own immune system to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative diseases. Dr. Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy in the 1930s, initially as a treatment for his own debilitating migraines, and eventually as a treatment for degenerative diseases such as skin tuberculosis, diabetes and, most famously, cancer.


KNOWLEDGE IS KEY......................................